Volunteer Opportunities

There are many opportunities to get involved with the Marching Band. Even if you have limited availability, the smallest contribution goes a long way. It does take a village to support our marching band students, directors, and community. Meet other band parents and have loads of fun while helping out. The following committees are in need of your helping hands.

Current SignUp Genius Links

Volunteer Opportunities - Football Games

For each football game we need parent volunteers to help with (1) Pit Crew, (2) Plumes, (3) Band Seat Covers,  (4) Water Committee. All volunteers will get a pass to enter the game for free. Any questions please email contacts outlined within the signup genius.

Band Seat Covers: Volunteers help reserve space for the  band to sit and vinyl seat covers are placed on the bleachers. Volunteers will meet 30 minutes before the game to place the seat covers and help with removing the covers at the end of the game. Sign up to support one or multiple games. 

Pit Crew: Help move the pit equipment and ancillaries to support the Band’s halftime show! Parents meet at the pit truck on the southwest end of the field ~30 minutes before the game.  Signup to support one or multiple games.  

Plumes: Parents are needed to help distribute plumes before half time and collect plumes after half time. Signup to support one or multiple games. 

Water Committee: Volunteers provide water to the band following the half-time performance since the kids need to remain together and in uniform throughout the game. This committee meets 45 minutes before the start of the game to fill coolers with water and ice and then bring the coolers to the stadium. You will also help distribute water following half time performance. 

Volunteer Opportunities - Competitions

We also need your help for competitions. If you help with Pit and Props you will get a wristband that will let you see Creek perform for free! Any questions, please email contacts outlined within the signup genius.

Sign up here:  

Pit Crew: Help the pit bring their instruments and sound equipment to practice areas and onto the field for performances. Also help Color Guard bring out the props. Handy people with tools are a PLUS but not necessary. This opportunity is broken up into two time slots (prelims and final performances).

Plumes: Help hand out the big feathers that go on the students' Shako hats.  Hand them out before the performance and collect afterwards. This opportunity is broken up into two time slots (prelims and final performances).

U-Haul Driver: We need an extra truck this year to help carry props and we will be renting a U-Haul truck. This volunteer must be 21 years of age and bring a driver’slicense to the rental location. The volunteer will drive truck from rental location, to school for loading, to the competition site, and then back to school. 

Volunteer Opportunities - Baking Committee

Do you love to bake? We need  your support in baking cookies, brownies, bars and treats for the students at Competitions. Sign up for one or all of them. These do NOT need to be homemade. We're also looking for gluten free and nut free options as well. Thank you!.  Have questions? Reach out to Cheryl Kutzer at: ckutzer3@gmail.com.

Volunteer For the Marching Season

Interested in getting involved but not sure where to start? Use the form below to express interest in the different volunteer options for the 2024 season and someone will reach out to you soon with further information and watch for the weekly emails as they will contain signup genius opportunities!

All Season

Board: Support band directors, organize BPA and volunteers.

Color Guard: Support the color guard section, including Winter Guard season.


Directory: Put together the Marching Band Directory.  It is recommended that this person be familiar with graphic layout and design and can set up mail merge. Past chair is available for training.

Buttons: Photography and creation of buttons with the student images. 

Photography Committee: Take pictures throughout the season and share with the Facebook admin.

Uniform Committee: During the summer and band camp, you will assist in getting measurements, order shoes, and assign uniforms. 

Props Crew: Build props for the show, if necessary. Construction experience helpful, but not required.

Band Spirit

Spirit Committee:  This committee connects parents to encourage and support students and staff. Decorate the band room with signs, banners, plates and photos, etc.

T-Shirt and Band Wear:  The committee selects, orders and sells band logo apparel. These are sold at Spirit Night and possibly other events. 

Getting the Band on the Field

Competition Food Committee: Band camp snacks, competition lunch or dinner… Meal requirements vary depending on the event and timing. Help serve food at competitions to our amazing band students and staff.

Competition Food – Grill Masters: Operate the 2 griddles to create hot and tasty food for the band.

Baking Comittee: Bake desserts and/or bring baked goods for competitions and other band events.

Uniform – Plumes: Distribute plumes to band members before performances, collect them directly after.

Pit Crew: Help move pit equipment on and off the field and in and out of the truck. Benefit to you is that at competitions you won’t have to pay to see the band perform – you’ll get on the field for FREE! 

Football Seating Committee: The band sits together at football games. To keep uniforms clean and dry, unroll seat covers along the bleacher seats.

Water (football and parades): Serve water in cups to the band members several times during a football game and parades.


Butter Braids and Cookie Dough: Organize the Butter Braids and Cookie Dough sale campaigns.

Restaurant Night: Organize fundraising events at local restaurants, where a portion of the night’s proceeds are given to the band.

Silent Auction: Coordinate auction to be held at Fall Concert. Volunteers will be needed to solicit local businesses or other donations and organize item displays.


Back-to-School Night: Coordinate the back to school night dinner, working with restaurant, arranging set-up, and alumni band parent volunteers.

Band Spirit Night: This is a party at school on the last night of band camp. Volunteers will help with membership processing, spirit wear sales, food, and volunteer sign-up.

8th Grade Chili Night: Coordinate the chili dinner served to the band and visiting eighth graders. This is many future Bruins first introduction to Marching Band!

Awards Night: At the end of the year, the band has an awards night to celebrate their year.

Register to Volunteer with Cherry Creek School District

2024 - 2025Notice to Volunteers

As required by the Cherry Creek School District, May 2022, all volunteers must be registered as a Volunteer, to work within the schools or with the school groups, sports, events including the CCHS Marching Band, in any capacity. It is a quick online registration process. Details can be found here: https://www.cherrycreekschools.org/domain/2343

Please register now to volunteer for current and future volunteer positions.



Please email us at cchsbpacomm@gmail.com